The Cloudless Revolution is Here

The Fluence DePIN platform frees computation from centralized clouds by offering natively decentralized, low cost, and verifiable compute
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Release your applications from the cloud; build with confidence on a foundation of provability and resilience

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Made for everyone


The open alternative to closed cloud computing, Fluence enables 60-80% lower price vs centralized clouds. It’s low cost, fast, and available to all


Fluence adds a cryptographic security layer to the computation process to make jobs verifiable and ensure that your computing was executed

Truly decentralized

Building the future of the internet on centralized infra? Doesn’t sound right. Walk the talk – build with Fluence

Go cloudless






Build auditable training sets and run verifiable AI models
Create local-first, peer-to-peer communication and computation over devices without a centralized point of failure
Build unstoppable, distributed systems managed by decentralized organizations
Process huge data sets from tests or gene research at a much lower cost
Reduce platform and business risks by avoiding proprietary cloud infrastructure

Join the community

We are excited to collaborate with Fluence on building a verifiable training sets for models, that are super important for AI compliance.

Ben Fielding
co-founder of Genesys

Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.

E.G. Galano
co-founder of Infura

Serverless computing on top of decentralized data of Filecoin is something we’ve been waiting for so long!

Juan Benet
CEO of  Protocol Labs
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
developers participated in Fluence hackathons
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
builders attended Fluence events
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
20+ cities
Fluence team gave talks in 20+ cities
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
Talk on EthCC Paris 2024
Fluence provides perfect tools to quickly build and run decentralized infrastructure networks like DIN.
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